Your insurance company may reimburse you if you need a prosthesis medical wig. Most private insurance plans already cover wigs for patients undergoing cancer treatments. But a regular wig off the shelf doesn’t always look natural.
Read more →For years, Louticia Grier has been creating custom wigs for cancer patients who have lost their precious hair due to chemotherapy sessions. Made of 100% human hair, our wigs for cancer patients are custom designed for
Read more →If you have bumps on your scalp, your scalp is sore and irritated, or an itchy scalp, unfortunately, these can often be quite common. But, if you are assuming that the itching and bumps on your
Read more →Wearing a wig or hair piece due to hair loss can seem like you are the only one experiencing it and it’s very lonely. It may be comforting to you to know that wearing a wig
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